Product returns

If for any reason you are not satisfied with your purchase, it is your inalienable right under e-commerce law to be able to return one or all of the products you purchased, within 15 days of receiving your package.

Each product must be returned in excellent condition, just as you received it, with its original packaging, label and retail receipt.

Shipping costs of your original order are non-refundable.

The way and the cost of returning the non-defective products that you return for your own reasons, is borne exclusively by you. Please make sure they are properly packaged and can not be damaged on return.

Please do not use the parcel service of ELTA for your returns, as they do not deliver to the shipping address.

The return address is:
George Aphrodite
Redemption 1
15343, Ag. Friday Attica
tel. 6907600019


Products by "Special order"which include your own photos, texts, colors, for obvious reasons are not returned.


Package and / or products in poor condition:
Each product is packaged by us with care and shipped with a durable box. If for reasons beyond our control, you receive your package in poor condition (battered, punctured, damaged, etc.) please photograph it, BEFORE OPENING it and point out the problem to the courier to note it. He may not agree to deliver it and we will have to arrange the shipment from the beginning.
If a product in the package arrives in poor condition, contact Kaselaki to have it serviced immediately.
tel. 6907-600019
or e-mail